Gandhinagar -382 428, Gujarat (India)
T: +91-79-23962000 F: +91-79-23962277
The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India devoted to research and development activities in the areas of Basic Plasma Physics, Magnetic Confinement fusion and Industrial applications of plasmas.
Applications are invited from highly motivated students to pursue doctoral research in the broad areas of theoretical and experimental plasma physics.
Eligibility: M.Sc. in one of the following subjects : Physics, Engineering Physics or Applied Physics with a minimum aggregate of 55%. Candidates expecting a Master’s degree in any one of the above subjects by August 31st 2012 can also apply.
Age Limit: Not more than 26 years as on 1st Aug. 2012 (born on or after 01/8/1986).
Selection Procedure: Written test of the short listed candidates followed by a personal interview for those who qualify in the written test. The dates of the written test of short listed candidates will be put on this website in due course.
Written test may be waived off for candidates who satisfy eligibility criterion and have qualified any one of the following:
(i) JEST – 2012 (in Physics)
(ii) GATE in Physics (Subject code PH) in 2011 / 2012 and
(ii) CSIR – UGC NET in June or Dec. 2011 in Physical Sciences ( Subject code 5, Subject code name PHY).
The tentative dates for written test and / or interview are 28 th May – 1st June. Candidates selected for written test / interview will be paid to-and-fro sleeper class railway fare via the shortest route. Interested candidates may apply by filling up the form online only (refer for details).
Stipend & Facilities:
16,000/- per month, raised to 18,000/- per month after two years,
subject to satisfactory academic review; a book grant of
10,000/- per year; and accommodation and medical facility at a nominal charge. Students may also be supported partially for attending conferences abroad, once during their tenure. All students selected for PhD programme will be registered under Homi Bhabha National Institute.
Important Dates to Remember:
1. Opening Date for Online Application: 26.03.2012 (Time: 10:00 AM)
2. Closing Date for Online Application: 16.04.2012 (Time: 5:00 PM)
3. Closing Date for receiving hard copy of Application by Post / Courier :
23.04.2012 (Time: 5.00 pm).