National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science & Mathematics
Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005
Advertisement No. 9/2012
Applications are invited for the following posts tenable at Mumbai :
SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (C) : One Post [Reserved for Other Backward Class] ; Pay Band (PB-3) Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay : Rs.5400/- ; TME : Rs.46,230/- ; HQ : Mumbai.
Qualification : B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science/Computer Engineering with more than 60% marks.
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Information Technology, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics with more than 60% marks.
Experience : Minimum 2 years experience in system administration.
Job Requirement : Knowledge of Linux Operating Systems, Networking, C++ and shell scripts. Additionally, fluency in Perl, Java, Python languages, database management and familiarity with large computing facilities will be desirable.
Age : Below 31 years.
SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (C) : One Post [Reserved for Other Backward Class] ; Pay Band (PB-3) Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay : Rs.5400/- ; TME : Rs.46,230/- ; HQ : Mumbai.
Qualification : B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science/Information Technology with minimum 60% marks. OR M.Sc. in Physics/Computer Science with minimum 60% marks.
Experience : Minimum 1 to 2 years experience in (a) administration of large networks of Linux and Windows desktops and servers as well as all the associated services. (b) designing and maintenance of web servers and web based collaboration tools. (c) fluency in relevant programming languages for carrying out the jobs mentioned at (a) and (b) will be highly desirable. In case, no candidate is found suitable for Scientific Officer (C) level then fresh M.Sc. in Physics/Computer Science may also be considered for appointment as Scientific Officer (B) in the Pay Band (PB-2) Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay : Rs.4,800/- ; TME : Rs.38,033/-.
Age : Below 31 years.
SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (C) [PROJECT] : One Post [Unreserved] temporary for a period of three years ; Consolidated Pay : Rs.41,500/- p.m. (including HRA of Rs.5,600/-) ; HQ : Mumbai.
Qualification : B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science/Computer Engineering with more than 60% marks in aggregate and more than 50% marks in aggregate in theory papers. M.Sc. candidates with Computer Science or Information Technology or Physics or Mathematics or Statistics with more than 60% marks in aggregate may also apply.
Experience : Minimum 1 year experience in system administration.
Job Requirement : Knowledge of Linux Operating Systems, System administration, Networking, C++ and shell scripts. Additionally, fluency in Perl, Java, Python languages, database management and familiarity with large computing facilities will be desirable.
Age : Below 28 years.
SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (B) [PROJECT] : One Post [Reserved for Other Backward Class] temporary for a period of two years ; Consolidated Pay : Rs.34,000/- p.m. (including HRA of Rs.4,900/-) ; HQ : Mumbai.
Qualification : M.Sc. (Physics/Electronics/Instrumentation) with minimum 60% marks OR B.E./B.Tech. in Electronics/Instrumentation or equivalent with minimum 60% marks.
Desirable Experience : Experience with R & D in accelerator or nuclear instrumentation laboratory.
Job Requirement : The selected candidate will be required to work on development and maintenance of different subsystems of accelerator facility like electronic instrumentation, beam diagnostic, RF electronics, signal processing etc. The candidate will also have to work in round the clock shifts as and when required during the accelerator operation.
Age : Below 31 years.
TME : Total Monthly Emoluments.
Higherstarting salarycould beconsidered fordeserving candidates.Candidates forthe postsat sr. 
no. 1& 2are liableto betransferred toother Centres/FieldStations ofthe Institute,if required.
GeneralInformation :Appointment forthe postsat sr.no.1 &2 willbe initiallyfor aperiod ofthree
  years,including probationperiod ofone year.Continuing appointmentbeyond theinitial period 
 of threeyears willbe subjectto theresults ofa comprehensivereview andperformance appraisal.
  After successfulreview, theappointment iscontinued tillsuperannuation age,which issixty.
Prescribedage shouldnot exceedas onJuly 1,2012.
Selectedcandidates forthe postsat sr.no.1 &2 willbe governedby theNew PensionScheme  
applicableto theCentral Governmentservice [unlessthey arealready governedby CCS(Pension) 
Postfor generalcategory (unreserved)SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidatescan alsoapply.
Applications giving full details together with copies of relevant certificates/testimonials in the 
 following formatand superscribingthe postapplied for& SerialNumber ofthe poston the 
 envelope shouldreach HeadEstablishment within15daysfromthedateofpublication 
Applicationformat: (1)Advertisement Number.(2) Name,Serial Numberof thepost. (3)Name 
 ofthe applicant. (4) (a)Date ofbirth (attachphotocopy ofcertificate). (b)Age ason July1, 
 2012. (5) Nationality. (6) Whether belonging toSC/ST/OBC (attachphotocopy ofcertificate). 
 (7)Disability (attachphotocopy ofcertificate). (8) Permanentaddress. (9)Address for 
 correspondence. (10)Telephone numbersfor contact.(a) Landline (b) Mobile.
(11) Email address. (12) Qualifications (attach photocopies of certificates or mark lists). 
 (13) Experience with details of organization, post held, scale of pay, basic pay (attach 
photocopies of certificates). (14) Names & addresses of two referees (attach certificates). 
(15) Have you at any time been called for interview in the Institute? If so, give details. 
 (16) Signature of the candidate. Submission of photocopies of all the certificates stated in the 
application are essential.
Incomplete applications and applications without photocopies of certificates and applications 
 receivedafter thelast dateshall not be considered. Applicants inGovernment/Semi-Government
/PublicSector Undertakingmust applythrough properchannel. Applicantsapplying forpost 
 reservedfor OBCshould submita validcopy ofthe non-creamylayer certificateissued by 
competent authorityin theGovt. ofIndia format(The recommendedformat is 
 available athttp://www.tifr.res.in/positions).Applicants whodo notsend theirapplications through 
 proper channeland applicantswho donot submita validcopy ofOBC certificatein theGovt.  
ofIndia format,if called,will beinterviewed onlyupon submissionof anNOC fromthe  
competentauthority and/orvalid OBCcertificate inGovt. ofIndia format,prior tothe interview.
Outstationcandidates called for interviewfor theabove postswill bepaid singleSecond Classreturn trainfare forthe journeyby theshortest routefrom thenearest railwaystation oftheir place of residence 
 to theplace ofinterview on
the production of photocopies of onward and return journey tickets.
The Institutereserves theright torestrict thenumber ofcandidates forinterview toa reasonable
 limit onthe basisof qualificationsand experiencehigher thanthe minimumprescribed 
 inthe advertisement.Mere fulfillingthe essentialand desirablequalifications willnot entitlean 
 applicantto becalled forinterview. Morevacancies mayalso befilled throughthis advertisement. The Institutereserves theright notto fillany/some postsherein advertised. Canvassing inany formshall disqualifythe candidate. Please referTIFR websitealsohttp://www.tifr.res.in/positionsfor details.
Last Date for apply: 20-09-2012

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