International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278 – 0181
CALL FOR PAPERS – Vol. 1 Issue. 8 (October – 2012)
Dear Sir/Madam,
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) is the one of the renowned official International scientific publication from Engineering ,Science and Research Support Academy (ESRSA).
It is our immense pleasure to invite you to submit manuscripts of your research/review paper/manuscript for publication in our popular e-journal, IJERT “International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology”. IJERT is an online blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the engineering & science research work and latest trends in technology.
The IJERT offers benefits specific to journal publications:
– Fast & Easy paper publishing process
– IJERT provides “Individual Hard copy of “Certificate of Publication” to all published paper’s Authors.
– Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your articles
– Inclusion in all Major Bibliographic open Journal Databases
– A global list of prestigious academic journal reviewers networked through ESRSA Publication.
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Submit your Manuscript/Paper:
IJERT is now accepting manuscripts for its next issue, Volume 1, Issue 8 (October – 2012). Authors are encouraged to contribute to the journal by submitting papers that clarify new research results, projects, surveying works , review, and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in field of Engineering Science, Research & Technology.
Last Date of Research Submission : October 18, 2012
Acceptance Notification: within 4-6 days from the date of manuscript submission
Date of Publishing : October 30, 2012
Kindly forward this e-mail to your Friends / Students/ Colleagues / Associates and Fellow Researchers who may be benefited out of this.
Thanking You,