Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics

University of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD. 15 – 18 July, 2013.

(A Satellite meeting of the STATPHYS 25 Conference, Seoul, Korea.)


 The Conference: 
We invite you to join us at Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics 2013 (PNLD 2013), a major international conference with a long-standing tradition in nonlinear dynamics. This  event will be co-hosted by the University of Hyderabad (UoH) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-Center for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS), in the historic city of Hyderabad, India. The Conference will be held in the premises of UoH and start in the morning of Monday 15th July and will end in the afternoon of Friday 18th July. This will be a satellite meeting to STATPHYS25, which is being held in Seoul, Korea.
    The meeting highlights nonlinear science research, and has proved to be a useful forum for the exchange of ideas, for presenting research, and for catalysing collaborative research. The scientific program for the earlier meetings consisted of invited and submitted talks, as well as posters, and typically attracted over 100 participants from about 20 countries and many leading researchers in the field. We hope to attract similar participation in this upcoming conference.
Conference Theme: 

  •  Theoretical and Mathematical aspects: Synchronization, Bifurcations, Time- delay systems, Chaos,etc.
  •  Nonlinear Phenomena in Engineering Sciences and Applications
  •  Nonlinear Phenomena in Biological and Medical Sciences
  •  Nonequilibrium phenomena: Pattern formation, Collective dynamics, Active fluids, Abrupt phase transitions,
     Extreme events, etc.
  •  Complex and Multilayer Networks and their Applications: Communications, Traffic, Economics, Social  
     phenomena, etc.
  •  Nonlinear phenomena in Earth Sciences
  •  Quantum chaos
  •  Integrability

  • For registration and on campus accommodation request click here.

  • Registration is mandatory for every participant.

  • Please send abstracts, if you plan to give either an oral or a poster presentation, via email to and keep the subject to be “(poster/oral)_pnld13your name”. Please rename your abstract file according to your name: “your name_(oral/poster).doc/tex”.

  • The abstract should be either in tex or doc format in not more than 250 words.
The following deadline should be noted:

  • Deadline for registration – 15th June, 2013.
  • Deadline for abstracts submission for oral/poster – 1st June, 2013.
  • Expected date for announcement of accepted abstracts – 11th June, 2013.
  • Deadline for on-campus accommodation requests – 1st May, 2013.
  • Conference Website:

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