(An autonomous Research Institute of Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Sachivalaya Marg,
Bhubaneswar – 751005.
Ph.D Admission – 2013
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar is an autonomous research institute of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. The research activities in the Institute centers around theoretical and experimental physics in the areas of condensed matter physics, nuclear physics and high-energy physics. The Institute invites applications for its regular Ph. D program in the above-mentioned areas from candidates, who satisfy the following criteria:
(A)M.Sc. in Physics with minimum 55% marks (in aggregate)
(B)A valid GATE score with a rank upto 200 or, candidates who have qualified CSIR–UGC Test (NET) within the last one year or candidates who are offered DST-Inspire fellowship for carrying out Ph. D program.
Candidates who have qualified JEST-2013 and hold a rank up to 174 need not send any application. They will be contacted directly by the Institute. Those candidates who hold a rank beyond 174 in JEST-2013 but satisfy the criteria (A) and (B) as mentioned above, may also send the application.
The detailed information for applying for the regular Ph. D. program can be found in the link http://www.iopb.res.in/predoc-admin. Application should be sent by e-mail to admit@iopb.res.in latest by 15th May, 2013.