Admission to the Ph.D. programmes will be in the following schemes:
(i) Full-time (FT) (ii) Part-time (PT) (iii) Internal (IN) and (iv) External (EX).
Ph.D. fellowships are available for candidates under Full-time scheme.
For the Part-time and External schemes of registration, the applicant must be an employee of a recognized institution/organization with at least two years of service and be engaged in professional work in the area to which admission is sought.
Candidates under Part-time scheme will have to submit no objection certificate from the Head of the institution.External registration is available only for candidates sponsored by and employed in recognized research institutions such as Research and Development Organizations / National Laboratories/ and Industries having R & D facilities recognized by Department of Science and Technology. A candidate applying for admission to the external registration programme must provide detailed information about the research
facilities available at his/her organization and must produce a certificate from a competent authority specifying that these facilities would be available to him/her for carrying out research. He/She should also provide the bio-data of the prospective supervisor who would supervise the candidate’s work at his/her
organization. External registration will be granted only when a qualified research guide is available in the sponsoring institution and is willing to guide the candidate along with a guide in NITC. Candidates from educational institution are not eligible under external scheme.
Registration under Internal (IN) scheme is available only to full time/contract employees of NITC. The Institute offers Ph.D. programmes under part time scheme for permanent/contract employees and research
staff of the Institute if they apply for the same at the normal time for admission with the recommendation of the Head of the department in which he/she is employed. Those who are working on research projects in the Institute should have completed a period of not less than one year on the project and project should be in force for at least two more years. A certificate to this effect from the Principal Investigator/Head of the Department concerned should be attached to the application form. If an employee who has registered as a part time research scholar resigns his/her job before the minimum period required for the PhD work, his/her registration shall stand automatically cancelled. However, if he/she has completed the course work and comprehensive examination and the required minimum period, he/she can be allowed to continue the research work if the Doctoral Committee of the research scholar recommends the same.
Availability of Online Application in website : 3 April 2013
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Applications : 15th May 2013
Address for Correspondence:
Chairman – P.G. Admissions
National Institute of Technology Calicut
NIT Campus P.O. Calicut 673 601
Kerala, India
Telephone: 0495 2286119