Prime Ministers Fellowship Scheme For Doctoral Research a Joint Initiative of Science & Engineering Research Board & Confederation of Indian Industry To Build Future Leaders in Industrial Research & Development APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FROM DOCTORAL FELLOWS (IN PARTNERSHIP WITH INDUSTRY) TO AVAIL DOUBLE SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE AREAS OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AGRICULTURE & MEDICINE
THE SCHEME : To attract talent for Doctoral Research, nurture leadership qualities in research scholars, provide them exposure to international best practices, innovative ways of thinking and to boost industrial research by academic institutions, the government and industry have jointly developed a scheme for supporting aspiring 100 PhD scholars every year with double scholarship (up to Rs. 6 lakh perannum), 50% ofwhich will be provided by government and balance 50% by a sponsoring company, for doing research as assigned by the sponsoring company, for four years. The fellow will receive PhD degree by doing this industrial research.
• A high level Apex Council consisting of members from academia, industry and government will review the applications and select the candidates for award of PM Fellowships.
• The project should be innovative and of high scientific merit; with discrete R&D as opposed to exploratory investigation.
• The proposed research should have a high potential to translate into a business opportunity and commercialization.
• High credibility, capacity of doctoral fellow and the institution.
• Doctoral fellow should have registered for full-time PhD program in the academic year 2013-14 in any recognized Indian University/Institute/Research Laboratory
• Doctoral fellow should have identified (before applying) an industry partner who should be ready to support the research project financially and also lend technical and intellectual support.
• The topic of research should have practical relevance and industrial application as mutually agreed between applicants and sponsoring industry.
• The candidate and the proposed research topic should qualify on criteria of excellence and relevance and be of technical and scientific merit.
• The selected doctoral fellow should be willing to work with / in industry as and when required by the industry partner during the project period.
Applications have to be submitted on-line For application and detailed information, log on to:
Last date of On-line Submission of Application Form: November 30, 2013
SS Kohli, Director, DST Email:
Shalini S. Sharma, Head-Higher Education, Cll
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