The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Pune, India
Students who will enter the final year of M.Sc. (physics / applied mathematics / astronomy / electronics) / B.Tech. / B.E. courses in the academic year 2014-2015 are eligible to apply. Exceptionally bright students with academically proven track record of third year B.Sc. (physics / electronics) or second year B.Tech. / B.E. or students of integrated MSc – PhD courses (during the first two years) may also apply.
Please click here to apply online.
For questions, send email to Mr. Santosh Khadilkar at aocp followed by
The participants will be paid a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and provided with free lodging on the IUCAA campus during the programme. They will also be paid second-class (non-A/C) return railway fare between the place of their residence or education and Pune.
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