Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology
DOTE Campus, Chennai 600 025

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts:

Senior Scientific Officer:4 Nos.

Scientific Officer : 2 Nos.

Systems Analyst : 1 No.

For the post of Senior Scientific Officer

Fields of specialization : Engineering and Technology –GT (Priority)-1,Environmental
Sciences – SCA (Priority)-01, Physical Sciences -MBC
(Priority)-1 and Social Sciences-BC (Priority)-1
Scale of Pay : Rs.37400 – 67000 (AGP 9000)
(UGC Scale of pay as applicable to Associate Professors in Colleges)

Qualifications: Essential:

(i) A Doctorate degree of any UGC recognized University in the field of specialization
prescribed for the post concerned with good academic record
(ii) Either
Minimum total experience of 3 years in teaching/ design/ construction/
research in the appropriate discipline in a position not less than that of an Assistant
Professor in a College/ University or equivalent grade
Five years of experience in teaching and /or research and development

For the post of Scientific Officer
Fields of specialization : Biological Sciences – GT (Priority) -1 and Physical Sciences
SCA (Priority) -1
Scale of Pay : Rs.15600-39100 (AGP 6000)
(UGC Scale of pay as applicable to Assistant Professor in Colleges)

Qualifications: Essential:
(i) A master’s degree in the field of specialization of any UGC recognized university with
consistently good academic record, preferably First Class at Master’s degree level.
(ii) One year of relevant field experience or research experience or teaching experience.

For the Post of Systems Analyst
Field of specialization : Computer Science –GT(Priority)-1
Scale of Pay : Rs.15600-39100 (AGP 6000)
(UGC Scale of pay as applicable to Assistant Professor in Colleges)

Qualifications: Essential:

((i) MCA/ M.Tech in Computer Science of any UGC recognized university with
consistently good academic record, preferably First Class at Master’s degree level.
(ii) One year of relevant field experience or research experience or teaching experience.

Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, DOTE Campus, Chennai 600 025
together with a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour
of “Member Secretary, Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology” payable at

Prescribed forms can be down loaded at www.tanscst.nic.in

Last date for receipt of filled in applications : 15.02.2016

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