
Religion & Spirituality

e-books in Religion & Spirituality category

Book cover: UFOs, Ghosts, and a Rising God: Debunking the Resurrection of JesusUFOs, Ghosts, and a Rising God: Debunking the Resurrection of Jesus
by ,
At the dawn of the 21st century, interest in the origins of Christianity is as strong as ever. Hallquist examines what investigations of similar upstart cults have revealed and applies these revelations to the origins of the world's largest religion.
Book cover: Music and SpiritualityMusic and Spirituality
by - MDPI AG ,
Music is a virtually ubiquitous companion to religious and spiritual practices. The intangible, insubstantial nature of sound is one of the reasons why music has so effectively symbolized the mysterious and wholly other since the dawn of creation.

Book cover: Weird BeliefsWeird Beliefs
by - Smashwords ,
In this book you can explore many fascinating subjects, including: Devil Worship, Doomsday Cults, Zombies, Hungry Ghosts, Fire Walking, the Grim Reaper, Witch Smellers, Ghouls, Human Sacrifice, Holy Mud, Dervishes, Snake Handlers, and many more.
Book cover: No Sense of Obligation: Science and Religion in an Impersonal UniverseNo Sense of Obligation: Science and Religion in an Impersonal Universe
by - FirstBooks Library ,
A tour de force of science and religion, reason and faith, denoting in clear and unmistakable language and rhetoric what science really reveals about the cosmos, the world, and ourselves. Challenge to the believer and the nonbeliever alike.
Book cover: Thy Will Be Done: Sickness, Faith, and the God Who HealsThy Will Be Done: Sickness, Faith, and the God Who Heals
by - The Plough Publishing House ,
With childlike confidence in the possibility of miracles and a deep trust that the Creator is supremely wise and good, the author point us away from our woes and to Jesus. As the Great Physician, he offers lasting comfort and healing without cost.
Book cover: Love LettersLove Letters
by - The Plough Publishing House ,
Everyone's looking for true love, but few people seem willing to work at making it last. With separation and divorce so commonplace that most people see them as inevitable, it seems the very idea of marital commitment is fast becoming a foreign one.
Book cover: Religious Beliefs of ScientistsReligious Beliefs of Scientists
by - Hunter & Longhurst ,
Religious beliefs of scientists, including one hundred hitherto unpublished letters on science and religion from eminent men of science: Lord Kelvin, Lord Rayleigh, Sir William Crookes, Prof. P. G. Tait, Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, etc.
Book cover: People Who Don't Know They're DeadPeople Who Don't Know They're Dead
by - Booktrope ,
Gary Leon Hill tells a story of how his uncle and aunt came to counsel dead spirits who took up residence in bodies that didn't belong to them. Hill elucidates much of what we know about life, death, consciousness, and the meaning of the universe.
Book cover: How to Rescue Your Loved One from the WatchtowerHow to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower
by - CreateSpace ,
Each year thousands of husbands, wives, sons and daughters are converted by Jehovah's Witnesses through their so-called free home Bible study. This book tells exactly what to do to rescue them from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Book cover: Religious PerplexitiesReligious Perplexities
by - Hodder and Stoughton ,
The first and greatest of religious perplexities, the source of all the rest, arises in the mysterious fact of our existence as individual souls. Our perplexities spring from the very root of life. Why are we here at all?
Book cover: Be Not Afraid: Overcoming The Fear Of DeathBe Not Afraid: Overcoming The Fear Of Death
by - Plough Publishing House ,
Arnold addresses fears that every person faces: fear of death and loss, fear of vulnerability, and fear of suffering. A pastor who has worked with the dying for three decades, Arnold knows that each of us must meet death in our own unique way.
Book cover: What is and what will be: Integrating spirituality and scienceWhat is and what will be: Integrating spirituality and science
by - Mountain Math Software ,
A book about mathematics, physics and spirituality. Spiritual instincts have evolved to connect us with the creative aspects of biological evolution which are crucial to long term survival. The book integrates spirituality and science.
Book cover: Debating the Divine: Religion in 21st Century American DemocracyDebating the Divine: Religion in 21st Century American Democracy
by - Center for American Progress ,
This book turns down the heat and turns up the light on the question of whether religion should be a force shaping our public policies and our common civic life. We have chosen to examine the many facets of the issue in a thoughtful way.
Book cover: Studies of the Gods in Greece at Certain Sanctuaries Recently ExcavatedStudies of the Gods in Greece at Certain Sanctuaries Recently Excavated
by - MacMillan ,
Eight lectures given in 1890 at the Lowell Institute: introduction; Demeter at Eleusis and Cnidus; Dionysus in Thrace and Old Attica; Dionysus at Athens; gods at Eleusis; Aesculapius at Epidaurus and Athens; Aphrodite at Paphos; Apollo at Delos.